More About the New “Hold Harmless” Provisions in the 2022-23 State Budget

On Monday morning, CSDC Executive Director and Founder, Eric Premack, presented a comprehensive analysis of the adopted 2022-23 state budget, as well as 350+ pages of related “trailer” bills. 

The budget follows the Legislature’s prior adoption of a pseudo-budget in mid-June to meet the constitutional deadline and aligns closely with the Governor’s prior “May Revise” version of the budget on most issues, except for a larger increase in general-purpose funding and other modest changes.

One important aspect of the adopted budget concerns the two forms of “hold harmless” protection available to charter schools. In the brief snippet of the presentation below, Eric Premack discusses the two forms, including eligibility for classroom- and nonclassroom-based schools, how to calculate either form, and major takeaways for future planning:

In the presentation, Eric Premack also discusses numerous other budget-related topics, including:

  • A huge funding increase to the Local Control Funding Formula
  • Additional pandemic emergency funding
  • Arts, music, and instructional materials funding
  • A slight softening of the laws governing  independent study paperwork
  • Increased ELO-P funding 
  • Charter schools’ exclusion from huge increases in district transportation and facilities funding

The presentation is the culmination to a series of webinars and resources CSDC creates during each annual budget cycle. This year's series included a January 18 webinar on the Governor's proposed budget as well as an extensive May 19 webinar on the Governor's "May Revise" proposals.

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