Create or Edit a Listing

About: CSDC's Vendor Directory helps California charter school leaders find companies that understand their schools' unique goals and challenges and helps leaders reach towards them.


Who can be listed? Any company currently supporting California charter schools may be listed for free. Greater visibility and additional features are exclusively available to CSDC Vendor Members. We encourage you to join/renew to gain access and to show your support for CSDC!

Create a Listing • FREE

First, do a search and make sure your company does not yet have a listing.

If it does have a listing, please view the "Edit a Listing" box at right.

If it does not, please use this quick form to submit your company's information:


Upgrade Your Listing! To increase the visibility of your listing and to gain access to additional features, please consider becoming a CSDC Vendor Member.

Edit a Listing

If your company has a listing and you wish to edit it, please sign in to the website.

Have permissions? If you have the appropriate permissions, please click User > Vendor Directory Listing to edit.

Don't see that option? You may not have permissions to edit your company’s listing. Go to User > Organization and ask a colleague with a role of "Org admin" to provide you with access.

Still need help? Feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist!