If you’re starting or continuing in a new leadership role at a California charter school this fall, don’t miss out on CSDC’s Leadership Intensive scheduled for June 26-30 at the Hotel Winters located just outside Sacramento.
The final registration deadline is June 9!
See the Schedule Overview
Curious what we’re planning for the Leadership Intensive?
Check out this year’s schedule overview, which highlights:
- Hands-on Trainings focused on the essential charter school leadership and management topics and taught by CSDC staff specialists and invited guest experts
- Networking opportunities, such as the evening welcome reception and mentor dinner, where you can build lasting relationships with fellow charter school leaders
- Action Plan, a CSDC-designed project that enabling you to address critical current and/or emerging challenges and that you can implement at your organization this fall
Note: a final schedule will be provided to confirmed 2023 Leadership Intensive participants.
Meet the Mentors
In addition to the programming above, one other huge benefit of the Leadership Intensive is the mentorship participants will receive from veteran California charter schools through the program.
CSDC is proud to share the mentors confirmed for this year’s program:
Ting Sun
Former Executive Director, Natomas Charter School
Jody Graf
Former Superintendent, Visions in Education Charter School
Gayle Nadler
Executive Director, Multicultural Learning Center
Jeff Kraunz
Executive Director, Creekside Charter
Eduardo de Leon
Executive Director, Language Academy of Sacramento
Asha Canady
Former School Leader, Caliber Public Schools
Michelle Hammons
Executive Director, Eagle Peak Montessori
Dr. Michael De Sousa
Educational Leadership Consultant
Rich Harrison
Chief Executive Officer, Lighthouse Community Public Schools
Registration Closes Soon!
Registration for the 2023 Leadership Intensive is offered on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is reached.
The final day to register for the 2023 Leadership Intensive is June 9, 2023.
2023 Leadership Intensive
Monday, June 26 through Friday, June 30, 2023
Hotel Winters • Winters, CA
Standard registration deadline: Friday, June 9, 2023