Every year, dozens of California charter schools avail themselves of CSDC's School Quality Review services to ensure that their school is navigating the right course.

Why Might Your School Need a Review?

You're a PCSGP Grant Recipient

CSDC is one of several providers prefered by the CDE to fulfill the PCSGP's external review requirement. Utilize our School Quality Review services before the end of your school's PCSGP grant project period.

You're Preparing for Renewal

During the renewal process, your authorizer will be sure to scrutinize your school closely. But your authorizer need not be the first to do so. Take advantage of CSDC's School Quality Review services to identify your program's strengths and weaknesses well in advance of your school's renewal.

You're a Proactive School Leader

Your school may be functioning seamlessly and achieving all of its objectives, but, in the charter world, even the smallest of mistakes and slightest of oversights can have huge ramifications for your staff and students. Our School Quality Review services can provide you with the assurance that your school is indeed on the right track.

Our Comprehensive Approach

In conducting our school reviews we take a comprehensive look at the school through the lenses of the charter law, the school’s charter and other core documents, as well as charter school best practices.

Our team examines three key areas of your school’s implementation of your charter—the educational program, the school’s governance and operations, and the school’s fiscal operations. More specifically, we examine your school's:

Educational Program

We examine the way your school’s educational program embodies the mission and vision as detailed in your charter. We examine the school’s curriculum and instructional plan and assess the level of implementation. We examine programs for English learners, special education students, students who are struggling, and students who are academically advanced. We examine the school’s goals and methods of measurement of the goals and the level of implementation of the goals.

Governance and Operations

We examine the school’s governance structure as described in the charter and bylaws and compare the description with its implementation. We examine a sample of board minutes, school policies, and related documents. We examine a sample of student records to ensure that they contain legally-mandated documents. We examine the school’s compliance with admission requirements including lottery requirements. We examine the school’s compliance with health and safety procedures including documentation of compliance with LiveScan clearance and immunization requirements.

Financial Management

We examine the school’s current year budget and budget projections and compare to actual in order to assess school fiscal viability. We review school’s audit, fiscal policies, internal fiscal controls, and examine accounting procedures including payroll and student attendance reporting procedures. We examine the school’s insurance coverage and the retirement system participation.

Other Compliance Issues

If the school engages in independent study, we analyze compliance with the laws and regulations governing independent study. The team also checks for compliance with minimum and maximum age requirements, public operating principles, and appropriate location of school sites.

Get Started

If you would like additional information regarding our School Quality Review services, including pricing and scheduling, please click the button below to send an email to our School Quality Review team. Please include your school name and briefly state why you're interested in our SQR services (e.g., to fulfill PCSGP review requirement, to prepare for charter renewal, etc.)

Contact SQR Team